In 2024 the tasting marathon consisted of 6 parts, where 20 producers from different parts of the world presented their unique products. For example, South Tyrol nursery ‘GRIBA’ presented new varieties of apples and visitors appreciated the external and flavour qualities of the fruit. LLC ‘Zorinsky Sad’, LLC ‘KENZHA’ and IE Head of farm Vinogradov impressed visitors with their natural juices - ‘Fruktovoe Obayanie’,
‘MIARISA’ and “Sok Yablochnyj”. Processing technologies and the products themselves: apple chips, marshmallows, dried fruits and wine were presented by the North Caucasus Federal Scientific Centre of Horticulture, Viticulture and Winemaking. IE Head of farm Spasibenko served the author's wine from his own vine plantations located in the south of Russia. And fruit pastila ‘PASTIMBA’ from the Republic of Kabardino Balkaria presented 15 bright flavours of natural pastila for tasting. The participants of this zone really know how to delight the taste buds!